firm adj. 1.坚固的,坚牢的;稳固的。 2.坚定的,坚决的。 3.【商业】固定的 (opp. optional) (货币)坚挺的(opp. easy, weak 疲软),稳定的;(金融等)紧缩的。 firm belief 确信。 firm friendship 牢不可破的友谊。 firm ground 陆地。 firm step 坚定的步伐。 as firm as a rock 坚如磐石。 be firm on one's legs 站稳。 be on firm ground 脚踏实地;在稳固的基础上。 adv. 稳固地,坚定地。 hold firm 固守。 stand firm 站稳。 vt.,vi. 使(变)坚固,使(变)坚实、使(变)稳定。 n. 1.商号,商行;公司。 2.工作集体〔如一组医生〕。 trading firms 商行。 a printing firm 印刷公司。 a long firm 〔英国〕(骗取货物而不付钱的)滑头商号。
The employment agency placed her with an insurance firm 该职业代理机构安排她在一家保险公司工作。
However, it is reported that american insurance firm aig are the company to have won the race to sponsor united 然而,它被报告美国保险公司aig是已经嬴得比赛赞助联合的公司。
Once the privatised bank and life-insurance firm compete in the market, those funds will be launched into uncharted waters 一旦私有银行和寿险公司在市场上发生竞争,这些资金就不知会投向何处。
Another survey last month by a german insurance firm found that anxiety about the future had doubled in 15 years 德国一家保险公司在上个月所做的另一份调查显示,15年来德国人对未来感到的焦虑成长了一倍。
My father worked for an insurance firm for many years, until he decided to go it alone and start his own insurance business 我父亲在一家保险公司工作了许多年,后来他才决定单独干,创办他自己的保险公司。
Reducing high capitalization requirements for u . s . and other foreign insurance firms, and increasing the efficiency with which licensing decisions are made 降低对美国和其他外国保险公司高额资本投资的要求,提高审批许可证的效率。
However, the extent to which such relationships protect incumbent insurance firms from new competitors and their marketing programs is still an unresolved question 但人际关系是否能有效防止顾客因竞争厂商提供的行销攻势而转换,是本研究欲探讨的重点。
Unable to buy out its partner, it is pursuing local incorporation, something only recently allowed, and investments in bank of shanghai and ping an, an insurance firm 无法买断交通银行,它就盯上了地方注册企业,并于近期获准投资上海银行和平安保险公司。
Having recently graduated from university, she's working for an international insurance firm, answering phone calls from around the world from people filing insurance claims 刚从大学毕业,她正在一家国际性的保险公司工作,接听从世界各地打来申请保险索赔的电话。
Unable to buy out its partner, it is pursuing local incorporation, something only recently allowed, and investments in bank of shanghai and ping an, an insurance firm 无法买断交通银行,它就盯上了本地注册企业,并开始投资上海银行和平安保险公司(这也是最近才获准的)。